Glasgow Middle School

2016 2017 Supply Lists

Core Courses General Supply List 6th, 7th, and 8th Grades

1-Pencil Bag
1-Pack of Classic Color Markers 1-Pack Colored Pencils
1- Yellow Highlighter
1-Large Glue Stick
1-6 inch ruler
1-USB Flash Drive
1-1 1⁄2 in Binder
1-Pack of Divider Tabs
1-Small Pack of Sheet Protectors 2
Packs Blue or Black Ink Pens 2- Packs 24 ct. #2 Pencils
6-3 Prong Poly Folders (any color) 1-Pack of Index Cards
4- packs Loose Leaf Paper 6-Composition Notebooks
Hand Sanitizer

1-Box of Kleenex
1-Box of Gallon Sized Ziploc Bags

1-Roll Paper Towels
1-Box of Quart Sized Ziploc Bags 1-Pack

Girls Only Boys Only


Elective teachers will make specific request on the first day of school. Most courses will require an additional notebook and writing utensils.

*Backpacks must be CLEAR PLASTIC or see through MESH material. ** Socks must be white or black.

*** Pants cannot be joggers or cargo pants.
**** Glasgow Middle Students must wear the official GMS Sweatshirt.

****Additional supplies may be requested by teachers when students report to school.

Please see the school website at to check out our summer reading lists!